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Four Laws That Make Credit Repair Possible

Fortunately for today’s consumer, half a century ago Congress realized the system of credit reporting needed legislation. The practices of the credit bureaus and the agencies using the credit reports they provided were shocking. American consumers were being taken advantage of by a system they had no way of influencing and no way of keeping in check.

To counter these abuses, Congress enacted the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) which with its subsequent revisions has become the cornerstone of your consumer credit rights. It is because of the Fair Credit Reporting Act that you have the right to see what is being reported on your credit files and to work to correct any inaccurate negative items they contain.

In addition to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, there are other consumer protection acts that give consumers certain rights when you are working with creditors or collections companies who provide information to the credit reporting agencies. By being aware of and taking advantage of their rights under each of these statutes, consumers have been able to successfully fix their credit score.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is what got credit repair started. Because of this act, you have the right to order copies of your credit reports and to dispute questionable credit directly with the credit reporting agencies.

Fair Debt Collection

Along with protecting your against abusive behavior from debt collectors such as calling you at unusual hours, screaming at you, cursing, lying about who they are, or threatening physical violence in an effort to collect a debt, the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) gives you powerful debt validation tools that give you the right to challenge any debt.

Fair Credit Billing Act

Similar to how the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act governs collections agencies, the Fair Credit Billing Act affords you the right to dispute questionable negative credit listings directly with your original creditors in order to modify how they are reporting your accounts to the credit reporting agencies.

Credit Repair Organizations Act

With all the regulations surrounding credit correction, it can be overwhelming for a newcomer trying to repair their credit rating. Fortunately, there are reputable credit repair companies who help consumers work towards a fair and accurate credit score. These credit repair organizations are regulated by the Credit Repair Organizations Act which helps prevent consumers from becoming a victim of a credit repair scam.


Last modified on Friday, 04 June 2010 22:30

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